sociology is the science of society... who is associated with this definition.?
- W.G.Sumner
- Max Webber
- Emile Durkhim
- August Comet
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
Max Webber defined Sociology as
- Study of Social institutions
- Science of Man interdependence
- Study of Social Action
- Study of Structure and Function of Group
- Durkhiem see sociology as a study of social institutions, Timasheff see Sociology as science of man independence.,Talcott Parsons See Sociology as a study Of Structure and Function of Society..
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Answer: C Explanation: -
Socius and Logos.. two words comprises Sociology.. which language these two words belongs?
- Latin and Greek
- Greek and Latin
- Greek and French
- Latin and English
- Soius is Latin word meaning group and Logos /logy is Greek word meaning to Study
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Answer: A Explanation: -
which one is the youngest of All the Social Sciences.
- N/A
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Answer: D Explanation: -
The First Social revolution was?
- invention of wheel
- Agriculture
- birth of pastoral Society
- None
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
who is considered as a Father of Modern Sociology?
- Ibn e khaldoon
- August comte
- Ghazaali
- None
- ibn e Khaldoon is considered as a father of classical Sociology.. He named Sociology as Ilm ul Imran.. which mean to know about the population
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Answer: B Explanation: -
Firstly Sociology was called?
- metaphysics
- Mechanics
- Social Physics
- None
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
Who coined the word Sociology in 1838?
- Herbert Spencer
- Durkhim
- August Comte
- T.parson
- August Comte use the word Sociology in his Book Positive philosophy
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Answer: C Explanation: -
The Emergence of Sociology.. is due to?
- French Revolution
- Industrial Revolution
- Feudalism
- All
- N/A
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Answer: D Explanation: -
During reinassience who laid the foundations of cultural growth in Society?
- John Locke
- Rosso
- Thomas Hobbes
- All
- N/A
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Answer: D Explanation: